
Monday, February 4, 2013

Jupiter in Taurus- direct and retrograde station effects 2013

In the past, we had seen how Jupiter takes up the trend when it enters Taurus and then amplifies it and pushes the market in the same direction, either up if the trend was up when Jupiter started off in Taurus or vice versa.
Last time Jupiter was in Taurus was in June 2000- 2001..
Let us look at a couple of charts....

This weekly charts tells us that the trend which was negative when Jupiter started off in Taurus, was continued throughout.
What happens when Jupiter turns retrograde and then turns direct, when in Taurus?

In Taurus when Jupiter became retrograde, within three weeks, it started a strong counter trend move.
When Jupiter became direct,within two weeks, it started a trend which was strongly in the direction of the major trend.
Now let us look at 2012-2013....

In Taurus, when Jupiter became retrograde on October 05 2012, it immediately started a counter trend.

Going by past form, then Jupiter ought to start a new up-trend now, especially since Nifty was falling into the direct station on January 30, 2013..Price movements are also likely to remain within the maroon trend-lines.In other words, the downside from here on is only up to 5940, which is the level at which the lower maroon line intersects.


shriram said...

simple, to the pt & nicely put :-)

Tekkiesuresh said...

Thank you Shriram, for your appreciation.

Warm Regards
