Astrologically, Monday, Moon is in Ketu star Mercury sub. 3RD
house cusp also in Ketu star, mercury sub.
Ketu is in Mercury star and signifies 12.Mercury is in Mars
star and so weak. Mars is involved in a triangular aspect with Neptune and
Moon. Both Neptune and Moon are known for vagueness and vacillation. This
reduces the power of Mars also.
So Nifty may drift down, till noon. After that she may
consolidate and go up, but not very significantly.
On September 23,2014, third cusp is ruled by Venus. Moon is
in Venus-Saturn.Venus and Saturn have a sextile relationship. Saturn is in
Libra, ruled by Venus. Venus signifies 11 and Saturn 10. This may be a positive
day.Profit taking may emerge after 3 pm.
On September 24,3rd cusp is ruled by Venus in 11th.
Moon is in Sun which is also signifying 11th.Positive moves may
continue. This is a New Moon day, which is exact at 11:43:39 am, during market
hours. At the time of New Moon, both Sun and Moon are in Ketu sub, which
signifies 11th. 3rd Cuspal sub lord is Venus then
signifying 10th.
On September 25, 2014, 3rd cusp is ruled by Venus
signifying 11th. But Venus has just moved into Virgo and so is not
powerful. Also Virgo is her fall house. So 11th signification is not
very strong. Moon is in Moon star and very close to 12th cusp. So
Moon signifies 12. Her Cuspal sub lord Mercury also signifies 12.Also Moon is
in square aspect with Pluto. So this could be a turn day, where positivity
bleeds off. Also today, Venus, Sun, Moon and Rahu are all crowded into Virgo
and have Ketu and Uranus, linked from the 7th.This makes
their energies work in cross purposes. Jupiter Uranus waxing trine is
exact today. So hereafter the positivity shall start waning away. Watch the
trading days, 5 to 7 now.
On September 26, 2014, 3rd cusp is in Venus star,
Moon sub. Moon is not very strong, having just entered Libra.Moon is in Mars
star. So are Mercury and Rahu. Both have strong 12th connections. So
Moon may indicate 12 today.
So, for me, this week should be positive overall.
However, in the first week of October, Mars is going to join
Uranus first and then Jupiter in a trine formation. Sun will square Pluto as
well. Mars will also engage Chiron in a square. So this is the time zone where
the current uptrend could make a spectacular up-move and then reverse to begin a
meaningful correction and show some cooling off.
As can be seen in the chart above, there is crowding of planets around the Rahu Ketu axis. Whenever planets pass the axis they get destabilised by Rahu. When several planets get destabilised then the effect could be bigger. This may manifest from September 29 onwards, into October second week.