We had quite an interesting week where Nifty fell through
its impulsive upward trend line bringing down the expectation of much bigger,
immediate moves. With the downward piercing of the 0-2 line, it is more or less
certain that 5348.55 high of July 10, 2012, is the culmination of 3 of C. Wave 3
began at 5125.45. It has so far moved up 223 points to
5348.55, as on July 10.The reaction so far till July 13 has consumed 130.75
points by forming a low of 5217.80.This represents a pullback of 58.63% which
is close to 61.8% That the wave 4 reaction has come down as much as 58.63% as
against the customary 38.2% seen in a good upward impulse, is a pointer that
the upward move is losing considerable steam. Wave 5 might have started and
might conclude at 5379 now, the point at which Nifty had formed an island
reversal, some months earlier. Wave 5 would then appear truncated as compared
to the other impulses and gain credence to a good downward move, after topping

In the near term, Astro conditions also favour a small up
move. In fact the planetary energies are quite heavy this week and suggest a
lot of up and down whipsaws. Let us remember to place tight stop losses.
Here is a calendar representation of the interpretations given below ( Please zoom and view):
10 July
represents the 13th day after Saturn turning direct. The orb is of a
maximum of 13 days and so may be the reversal of July 10, 2012, is of cycle
significance. Of course since Lunar nodes turned direct and Mars had a trine
with Rahu and Ketu, in our previous post we had given more weight-age to going
short on July 11th. Saturn merely adds more strength to that
postulation. Of course our immediate interest is to know whether the down trend
continues into the coming week of July 16 to 20, or not.
11 July 16.48 hrs Natal Neptune trine transit Jupiter. Effect starts from 06
July and ends on July 21, Saturday at 23.31 hrs. This could make the markets
bullish in the time zone July 16 to 19.
12 July 2012 Cardinal Mars starts
a trine with Jupiter.
.Mars in Cardinal sign, when we use Zero Ayanamsa, by itself is not very good
news for Bulls. So this waxing trine is not very strong. Generally this
signature resolves in the direction of the primary trend. Primary trend, after
bottoming out in December 2011, is in the process of tentative and long drawn
out reversal. Since the reversal is tentative, Nifty is carving out a pattern
of a contracting triangle. At best this could contribute to a up move on July
16, but is unlikely to sustain. Conversely, it may also give “sell on rises”
12 July 23.55 hrs: Transiting
Venus opposite Natal Pluto. Comes within one degree by 10 July 2012, 19.25 hrs. This is a Nifty
specific signature and most often crests form within 2 days of the formation.
13 July 2012 Sun begins to square
Saturn. After Sun
opposition to Saturn, the second most important aspect formation is the Sun
waning Square to Saturn. This most often gives a positive trading cycle within
three or four days. Sharp reversals are seen closer to this cycle. The first
trading day of this square happens to be July 16.
13 July 2012:12.27.51 Transiting
Moon sextile Natal Mercury.
14 July 2012: 07.07.28 hrs:
Saturday: Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Saturn.
14 July 2012: 10.15.56 hrs
Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Jupiter.
14 July 2012:08.22.19 Transiting
Moon sextile Natal Rahu, trine Ketu.
Uranus turns Retrograde: This is another powerful but
erratic signature which generally unfolds between 4 to 11 trading days .In
effect we may expect this signature to exert it`s influence between 19 and 27
July. Since 27 July is a central time band for Mercury Retrograde, it is quite
possible that July 26 or 27 could mark a good reversal.
15 July 2012 06.57.51: Transiting
Moon trine Natal Neptune.
July 2012 07.45.24 hrs Mercury turns
retrograde in Leo: Mercury will become direct at 11.09.55 hrs on August 08,
2012, Wednesday, at 97:29:02, in the star of Pooyam. During Mercury retrograde
periods, markets generally reverse before reaching their support or resistance
points. The strategy should be to book profits sooner than normal. There are 19
trading days between July 16 and August 08. The central time band falls on July
26/27.Nifty Futures had risen to 5348 by July 10th and has reversed
so far till July 13th.If the reversal continues into the next week then
we may expect a low to form and prices to rise from there. On the other hand if
prices rise from hereon then a crest could form next week and prices would
begin to decline. Our endeavor of course is to find what is more probable.
15July 2012 09.44 hrs Sunday Sun
square Saturn.
15 July 14.54 hrs: Transiting Mars
in a waning trine to Natal Neptune till 19th July 04.21 hrs. Another Nifty specific signature.
Correlates well with troughs within 5 to 11 days. In other words, expect prices
to decline towards the end of next week (July 20) from which a good rise may be
16/17 July 2012: Transiting Sun
starts opposing Natal Ketu: Exact on 17 July 17.10.00 hrs. Rahu will be conjunct Sun then. Effect
continues on 18 July also. Since July 16/ 17 is also lunar reversal dates, this
strongly suggests a crest formation and declines thereafter.
17 July 2012 18.09.05 hrs. Mars
waxing trine Jupiter
17 July 2012 Uranus begins a sextile
with Jupiter. Will be exact on July 22, 09. 35 a.m.
18 July 2012 01.56.05 hrs Cardinal Mars waning square
Pluto. Contrary
to popular belief, this waning square this is not a long term aspect, but more
of a trader`s aspect. We may expect trough formation within 4 to 8 trading days
of this aspect. More of a 200 point game. Effective dates July 23-24.
18 July 2012; Transiting Venus
opposition with Natal Pluto is over.
19 July 2012 08.25.05 hrs. Cardinal Mars opposite Uranus. This is a granddaddy of an
aspect. It can be powerful and occasionally nothing might happen as well! When something
happens usually it is a big reversal. Effects manifest within 4 to 11 trading
days. Most often markets decline into troughs from which there will be
significant rises. The trough formation could be any day between July 23 to 31.
Transiting Sun and transiting Moon
begin to square Natal Moon. Transiting Moon will be exactly square at 12.34.47
19 July also happens to be a New Moon. As per KP, Moon is in Taurus on
July 16, in Gemini on July 17 and 18, in Cancer on 19 and in Leo on July 20.Sun
in Cancer reduces volatility. By July 20, Sun would move into Pooyam, which is
a Saturn star. It could then contribute to more bearishness. May be this factor
could act as a cushion to some of those potentially dangerous aspects
developing between the larger planets. Nodes begin their natural retrograde
motion on July 15, 2012 and remain retrograde till July 26, 2012.Please note as
per Western Astrology, Sun enters Leo by July 23, releasing huge volatility
into the markets.
20 July 2012; 21.39.21 hrs: Transiting
Sun exact square Natal Moon. 20 July 20, 2012 07.37.41 hrs Moon trine Uranus. 20 July 2012 08.42
11 hrs Moon sextile Mars. When Sun squares Natal Moon, governmental action
affecting the balance and equilibrium of the markets is the result and this is specific
to our markets. When transiting Moon trines and sextiles Uranus and Mars
respectively, an element of aggressive movement is introduced. So look to see
if there is a sudden down move or drop in prices around July 20 and 23.
21 July 2012: Saturday: Transiting Saturn begins
to form a square with Natal Rahu and Ketu. Saturn is also about to change signs, from Virgo to
Libra.. Effect may be felt on 20 July itself. Will be exact on 21 August
2012, 13.15 hrs.
21 July 2012:06.19.53: Transiting
Moon opposes Natal Uranus. At 23.31 hrs, Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Neptune
All factors point out to a top
formation and declining prices from July 20 onwards. Nifty could improve during
the next few days up to July 18. Thereafter volatile price swings could be
experienced and then negative trend from July 20 is what the astro picture
seems to indicate.
Let us see what the cycles indicate:
So, we are not out of the woods yet. Stimulating an economy burdened with immense debts or having weak leaders who cannot take bold policy measures, and relying on only monetary measures- is not to the liking of Uranus or Pluto.These two power house planets are going to square six more times before the end of 2015.With a Sayana Saturn plodding slowly into October 2012, where it will enter Scorpio and be in a mutual reception status, that is where the all these profligacy will hit home.
But then, for traders, there are profits to be made.As usual, my sincere request is to follow the price and only use the astro information as a navigational aid.With planetary energies becoming denser due to several aspects as cross purposes, whipsaws will occur.Retrograde period of Mercury and Uranus are fraught with human errors leading to losses.Especially from malfunctioning electronic equipment including lap tops and mobile phones.
If I have not responded for technical queries asked by some of you, it is only because of lack of time. My apologies.I shall address all pending queries before EOW.
Take extra care!
Have a great week of trading!